

Writing is an essential part of our curriculum offer.  We have lots of wonderful opportunities to inspire writing such as books, small world, film clips, visitors in and visits out.  We strive to equip our children to develop a rich vocabulary which can help them bring their writing to life.  Basic skills and an agreed set of ‘non-negotiables’ underpin writing in all areas of the curriculum.  This starts in EYFS where pupils learn how to hold a pencil and begin to form their letters, words and sentences.  Teachers model the writing process and demonstrate the standard that is expected of all children.  Every child is encouraged to let their imagination and personality shine through their writing.   Writing is often linked to our curriculum, finding real life reasons for our children’s writing to enthuse them with purpose. 


Reading is also a fundamental part of everything that we do.  Our children enjoy high quality texts across the curriculum and reading skills are taught explicitly.  Alongside skills of decoding and comprehension, book talk encourages children to think as a reader and discuss their preferences, likes and dislikes.  Reading is encouraged.  We realise the importance of providing children a welcoming, nurturing library environment where they can immerse themselves in reading for pleasure.  

Manaccan Primary School
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